
furniture guide

How much does it cost to upholster chairs?

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If we thought that chairs are no longer sent for upholstery and people immediately buy new chairs, you should know that in recent years more and more people are not in a hurry to throw away their belongings. Whether because of the green section or because of the vintage fashion that the old is the most recent. Whatever the reason, the upholstery world is booming. So how much does an upholstery cost? Why do people upholster? About all these in this article: 


What's going on for chairs in their time?

Although the chairs do not have an expiration date, what to do if sometimes their time passes? The first and most popular option is to go to a furniture store and buy new chairs with a current design. A second option is to renew the bar stool. Since many times we have chairs that we don't want to throw away, how do we prolong their life? The solution is to send the chairs for upholstery.

There are several reasons for padding chairs

Chairs that in our eyes have sentimental value and we are not interested in throwing them away. And you want to give them a new and refreshing look.
The upholstery is in excellent condition but the color is boring and we want to color and change. New and cool upholstery is always more beautiful. So instead of buying new chairs, upgrade your existing chairs. Upholstery in an interesting fabric will make the chair unique.
The fabric of the chair is no longer fashionable, renewing the chair will bring them back into fashion.
The fabric of the chair is torn or looks worn. The seats already have scratches and stains.
You found an old wooden bar stool that you think is the most vintage there is and it needs repair.
All of these reasons are a good chance that new chair upholstery is just what you need.

Four parameters that affect the price of reupholstery:

The price of chair upholstery varies depending on the size of the chair, the condition of the chair, the type of fabric and the amount of upholstery you need. Usually the price ranges from NIS 150 to NIS 400 for one chair. You can reduce the price of reupholstering the bar stool if you get some bar stools upholstered. 

Chair upholstery - prices 

It is difficult to give an exact price because there are hundreds of types of chairs and models. Just think about the types of chairs you sit on on a normal day. Drive to work and sit down in the office chair. The house has bar chairs, chairs in the living room. Each chair is built differently.
The average price of regular upholstery for a regular chair is NIS 200. When you want thicker padding or padding in a special way, the price will be higher.
If you want to also upholster the back of the bar chair, the price will be NIS 300 on average, since it is a double amount of upholstering.
As we wrote, there are chairs that have their own time. It is really impossible to sit on them without falling, and they need renewal and painting and repair from the ground up, beyond the upholstery itself. All this will affect the price. 

What type of fabric are you interested in upholstering?

The types of fabric that are usually upholstered with are fabrics that are considered relatively cheap and cost about NIS 150 per meter. This is compared to leather fabric, whose price is significantly more expensive and reaches a price of about NIS 350 per meter. 

Macawber Lbar chairs 

If you want to makeover the chair, this of course affects the price by another NIS 100 per chair, because the upholsterer renovates it from the ground up. This renovation is called "politura". Besides reupholstering the chair, the upholsterer cleans and sands the old paint and repaints the chair.

Tip: Check with the upholsterer how long there is a warranty on the upholstering. 

In conclusion: 

When you want to pad and renew the the bar stool Check what you want to do with your chair. Any change in the chair affects the price. The larger the number of chairs, the lower the price for upholstering a single chair.
Average price for upholstering a standard chair that only has a seat is NIS 200
The average price for upholstering a standard chair that includes a seat and backrest is NIS 300 

Upholstery at any cost, right?

not always. Sometimes, the price of the upholstery exceeds the price of a new chair. This happens when the fabric is expensive and requires a lot of work. For example: an office chair whose average price is NIS 300 and the price of the upholstery is NIS 350. Of course, this is up to you. If you are still tied to the chair in love, go for upholstery. Because there are things that have no price. If in any case you decide to withdraw from the idea of upholstering the bar stool, you are welcome to contact us atThe design of the chair and the bar'. We will be happy to give you advice and service in buying bar chairs of any type you choose. Visit our store for information on choosing quality bar stools.

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